2015: A New Year

It is both exciting and scary to enter into a new year: there are so much to look forward to, but there are also so many things that stay in the unknown. Who knows when they will pop up and catch you off guard?

As the years came by, I have learned to carpe diem and take the most out of the time that I have got. 2014 didn't start out well for me, nonetheless I managed to turn my life back into the way I wanted it to be in the end. It sucks to have setbacks, yet they are good pain. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I felt that I have grown to be more mature individual, and I hope have grown a little wiser as well.

Every year since 2011, I have challenged myself to do three things that breaks out of my comfort zone each year. I am glad I have been able to meet my targets very well (I have always achieved more than three every year). This year, I am going to set a more detailed goal on what I am working towards, which I will share with you later.

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